Client: LB Southwark
Location: Galleywall Road, SE16
Duration: 2018 – current
Density: 49 Homes and estate wide public realm improvements
The regeneration of this site on the Rennie Estate forms part of the fourth phase of the London Borough of Southwark’s New Homes Development Programme and is one of four sites which we are working on for the Council. These proposals provide 49 high quality new homes across the 0.26 ha site formerly occupied by garages and a car park. All homes are for council tenants with 50% reserved for local residents. The site sits at the junction of Galleywall Road and Galleywall Road Trading Estate.
Our design approach is contextual and seeks to provide the maximum number of high quality new homes on the site whilst enhancing (and not detracting from) the existing estate.
The form of the new development responds to the tower blocks adjacent (Trevithick House and Landman House) by repeating their rhythm, and to Barry, Donkin and Barlow House adjoining the site, forming a coherent street frontage. The building is set back to maximise amenity for existing residents and creates a new landscaped area and link to the Galleywall Nature Reserve and Barlow House, improving access to these spaces for new and existing residents. The footprint of the building is set back away from the existing trees.
The shape of the building helps to avoid single aspect units; 75% of the new homes are dual aspect and 25% are triple aspect. The form, with its chamfered edges, has been carefully designed to allow views out from the tower blocks behind and minimise overshadowing.
The design takes reference from surrounding buildings. Brick is the principal material with variations in the treatment of balconies and window reveals adding interest to the façade. The lower floors have a horizontal emphasis, with projecting balconies and expressed window lintels. On the upper storeys windows have a vertical scale and balconies are recessed. A side panel of textured brickwork adds further dynamism to the façade.
The 49 new apartments vary in size from one to four bedrooms with 60% suitable for three or more residents. As part of the new development, estate-wide improvements to the landscape and public realm have been proposed, to benefit both new and incoming residents to the Rennie Estate.