Bristol Close / Crawley

Client:  Crawley Borough Council

Location:  Crawley RH10

Duration:  2021 – 2024

Density:  08  Homes + community garden

FBM were appointed by Crawley Borough Council in 2021 to develop proposals across 10 sites across the borough as part of their infill homes programme. All homes would be truly affordable, set a council level / social rent. CBC currently has over 2200 applicants on the waiting list for new homes.The scheme at Bristol Close would have replaced an under-used carpark with a new three storied block of low energy homes and shared amenity garden. The building was organised as front door accessed maisonettes on the lower two floors, with the top floor containing single level apartments accessed via a garden facing gallery. The gentle crescented profile to the street responds to the contours of the existing street pattern.

The material palette and elevational treatments sought to establish a high-quality architecture made of robust, durable materials, that would weather well and age gracefully over time. A limited palette of brick, glazed tile and reconstituted stone elements gave a calm simplicity to the scheme, helping to establish a contemporary appearance that also reflected the new-town post war spirit of the surrounding context.

WordPress developer @whoisandywhite