Client: LB Tower Hamlets
Location: Wickford Street, E2
Duration: 2017 – Current
Density: 33 Homes, community centre + ofiice facilities and estate wide public realm improvements
We were appointed by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to redevelop two sites on the Bancroft Estate near Bethnal Green Tube Station currently used as a tenants hall and garages. Our design provides 33 new apartments in two separate buildings, one which rises to six storeys forming a focal point to the site. The second building adjoining the railway line, rises to five storeys and provides eighteen apartments and incorporates offices for the Tenant Management Organisation and community space.
The development also offers significant improvements to the wider estate, including landscaping and lighting improvements to transform a run down service route to the rear of the shops which face the main road. Security is improved through the design of the new buildings, which create active frontages to ensure passive surveillance of pedestrian and vehicular routes.
The material treatment, detailing and proportion of the windows have been carefully selected to offer a contemporary response to the surrounding context, with the highly articulated volumes giving a generous depth and complexity to avoid flat and monotonous facades.